Migration Guide: Migrating Endura and Digital Sentry to VideoXpert

Guide: Using a DSSRV2 as a VxS Recorder

Guide: Migrating Endura to VideoXpert 3.X

Installing VxPro on a DSSRV2 Server

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Dystrybutor Pelco Polska


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 +48 22 307 29 63

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Przejdź do VideoXpert
Przenieś swój istniejący system VMS Endura lub Digital Sentry Video do VideoXpert. Najbardziej opłacalna modernizacja w branży.

Large-Size to Multiple SitesVideoXpert Enterprise is the intelligent choice for businesses that are data-driven, demand efficiency, and seek a holistic approach to operations. With expanded functionality, VideoXpert Enterprise provides a single solution by allowing easy connection to other systems, including mapping, integration to access control systems, and license plate recognition.

Small to Mid-Size InstallationsIdeal for small to mid-size installations up to 100 cameras, VideoXpert Professional seamlessly bridges the gap between mid-market and enterprise platforms . The scalable design not only meets your needs today, it sets you up for success tomorrow.

VideoXpert Professional

VideoXpert Enterprise

VideoXpert Enterprise and Professional offer performance-oriented, intuitive user interface for a superior user experience. VideoXpert provides state-of-the-art, 64-bit architecture for maximum availability and resiliency that flexibly scales from 20 to 20,000+ cameras with noticeably faster camera-to-display capabilities.

VideoXpert is easy to use, stable, reliable and resilient. If a network interruption ever occurs or a server goes down, gaps are automatically filled within minutes of the cameras coming back online.

VideoXpert Video Management Systems

Pelco makes it easy to upgrade to our newest, most robust VMS. You may be able to install VideoXpert software on existing hardware to pull your current system forward into VideoXpert. You can even migrate your Endura or Digital Sentry database, saving time and effort while gaining the benefit of Pelco’s latest VMS.

As an existing Endura or Digital Sentry customer, we appreciate your loyalty and support of the Pelco brand. We believe VideoXpert will exceed your expectations for a VMS and allow for an optimal migration. Migrating to VideoXpert is the most cost-effective way to leverage existing investments and extend the life of your current hardware.